пятница, 17 декабря 2010 г.
суббота, 3 июля 2010 г.
What is a Success
Success - is a success in anything. The word "success" can be designated as a process - a period of luck, "white band", the achievement of any goals and results - goals achieved, public recognition.
четверг, 13 мая 2010 г.
What is the MySQL?
MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database management system, is developed, distributed, and supported by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Mysql GUI tools for developers
A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL Server. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management systems play a central role in computing, as standalone utilities, or as parts of other applications.
A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility. The SQL part of “MySQL” stands for “Structured Query Language.” SQL is the most common standardized language used to access databases and is defined by the ANSI/ISO SQL Standard. The SQL standard has been evolving since 1986 and several versions exist. In this manual, “SQL-92” refers to the standard released in 1992, “SQL:1999” refers to the standard released in 1999, and “SQL:2003” refers to the current version of the standard. We use the phrase “the SQL standard” to mean the current version of the SQL Standard at any time.
- MySQL is a database management system.
Mysql GUI tools for developers
A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL Server. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management systems play a central role in computing, as standalone utilities, or as parts of other applications.
- MySQL is a relational database management system.
A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility. The SQL part of “MySQL” stands for “Structured Query Language.” SQL is the most common standardized language used to access databases and is defined by the ANSI/ISO SQL Standard. The SQL standard has been evolving since 1986 and several versions exist. In this manual, “SQL-92” refers to the standard released in 1992, “SQL:1999” refers to the standard released in 1999, and “SQL:2003” refers to the current version of the standard. We use the phrase “the SQL standard” to mean the current version of the SQL Standard at any time.
пятница, 23 апреля 2010 г.
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
It depends on whether you are talking about an African or European swallow.
The airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles per hour*, beating its wings 7-9 times per second (rather than 43). But please note that a 5 ounce bird cannot carry a one pound coconut.
вторник, 20 апреля 2010 г.
What is the agenda?
Agenda - The official work plan for a committee meeting.
The list of items to be discussed at the meeting. Every meeting requires careful planning to ensure that objectives are met. The agenda is prepared, usually by the Chair in consultation with the CEO, and sent out to members prior to the meeting date.
If other key staff or consultants may add another dimension and knowledge to any agenda items, they should be invited in advance to attend the meeting for that item only. A well-prepared agenda will set a sound framework for the minutes.
The list of items to be discussed at the meeting. Every meeting requires careful planning to ensure that objectives are met. The agenda is prepared, usually by the Chair in consultation with the CEO, and sent out to members prior to the meeting date.
If other key staff or consultants may add another dimension and knowledge to any agenda items, they should be invited in advance to attend the meeting for that item only. A well-prepared agenda will set a sound framework for the minutes.
воскресенье, 18 апреля 2010 г.
What is the advertising?
Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action.
It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume that particular brand.
Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
What is the action potential?
An action potential is part of the process that occurs during the firing of a neuron.
During the action potential, part of the neural membrane opens to allow positively charged ions inside the cell and negatively charged ions out.
This process causes a rapid increase in the positive charge of the nerve fiber. When the charge reaches +40 mv, the impulse is propagated down the nerve fiber.
This electrical impulse is carried down the nerve through a series of action potentials.
During the action potential, part of the neural membrane opens to allow positively charged ions inside the cell and negatively charged ions out.
This process causes a rapid increase in the positive charge of the nerve fiber. When the charge reaches +40 mv, the impulse is propagated down the nerve fiber.
This electrical impulse is carried down the nerve through a series of action potentials.
пятница, 16 апреля 2010 г.
What is the acid in your stomach
Its hydrochloric acid (H Cl) with the pH value of 1.
- Stomach acid is hydrochloric acid at a pH of 1, which means that it is at a concentration of 0.1 moles/liter.
- When something is swallowed, it reaches the stomach within seconds.
- Stomach acid does not dissolve enteric coatings. That's the whole point of an enteric coating; it doesn't break down until the small intestine. In fact, there's a really interesting picture in a recent New England Journal of Medicine of an enteric-coated aspirin lodged in a stomach ulcer. The coating was perfectly intact, so that you could still read the printing on it.
среда, 14 апреля 2010 г.
What is the academic year?

It might be easier to say that it is the time period between when schools open and close, but a lot of schools keep some of their services “open” during periods like summer, while the majority of services are not available.
Another potential definition would be the period of days per year that students are attending classes.
четверг, 8 апреля 2010 г.
What is the accuracy of dgps?
A Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) is a system designed to improve the accuracy of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) by measuring infinitesimal changes in variables to provide satellite positioning corrections.
In general, a Reference Station calculates differential corrections which are valid for that exact location (zero baseline) at that particular epoch (age of corrections zero). However, DGPS users may be located as far as 200 nm away from the Reference Station and some of the errors compensated for by the Reference Station vary with space, namely satellite ephemeris, tropospheric and ionospheric errors. Therefore, the corrections calculated at the Reference Station suffer certain accuracy degradation as the separation distance increases, because of a decreasing relevance of the Reference Station data to the user.
In general, a Reference Station calculates differential corrections which are valid for that exact location (zero baseline) at that particular epoch (age of corrections zero). However, DGPS users may be located as far as 200 nm away from the Reference Station and some of the errors compensated for by the Reference Station vary with space, namely satellite ephemeris, tropospheric and ionospheric errors. Therefore, the corrections calculated at the Reference Station suffer certain accuracy degradation as the separation distance increases, because of a decreasing relevance of the Reference Station data to the user.
What is the acropolis
An acropolis, in the simplest terms, is a hill. A hill city to be more exact. In ancient Greek poleis (where out term “politics” was born), an acropolis served as the site of assembly for political, social, and religious activity and discussion.
The Acropolis at Athens contained temples, monuments, and the famed Parthenon. The Greek poleis, with acropoleis as their focal point, gave birth to the idea of a city where the thoughts and philosophy of the collective citizens were just as important as their skilled labor.
The vision: a place where many of us can share our views on anything and everything. Politics, sports, music, pop culture, technology, local news… the sky is the limit. I believe without a doubt that great things could come from our hill city on the Internet.
Welcome to the Acropolis.
The Acropolis at Athens contained temples, monuments, and the famed Parthenon. The Greek poleis, with acropoleis as their focal point, gave birth to the idea of a city where the thoughts and philosophy of the collective citizens were just as important as their skilled labor.
The vision: a place where many of us can share our views on anything and everything. Politics, sports, music, pop culture, technology, local news… the sky is the limit. I believe without a doubt that great things could come from our hill city on the Internet.
Welcome to the Acropolis.
What is the absorbent mind
The Absorbent Mind
The Absorbent Mind—Montessori distinguished between periods of growth, where the intelligence is directed inwardly in an act of self-construction; and periods of development, where the intelligence is directed outwardly toward increasing knowledge, information, and experience in the world. The period from ages 3-6 is a period of growth. Montessori often compared the child’s mind to a sponge, which "absorbs" everything in its surroundings.What is the absolute zero temperature
Absolute zero is a temperature point at -273.15°C in the familiar Celsius scale, where 0° C is the freezing point of water and the boiling point is 100° C.
On the Fahrenheit scale this is -459.67° F.
On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32° F, and water boils at 212° F, separating the two states by 180°. Another temperature scale, called the Kelvin scale, uses the same size units as the Celsius scale, but defines 0° K (zero kelvins) as absolute zero.
On the Fahrenheit scale this is -459.67° F.
On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32° F, and water boils at 212° F, separating the two states by 180°. Another temperature scale, called the Kelvin scale, uses the same size units as the Celsius scale, but defines 0° K (zero kelvins) as absolute zero.
What Is The abbreviation for vertical speed indicator
Vertical speed indicator (VSI)
Vertical speed indicator (VSI). A rate-of-pressure change instrument that gives an indication of any deviation from a constant pressure level.
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